Kaylee studies the challenges employees face when navigating work & family.
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The Impact of Father’s Pregnancy Discrimination (FPD) on the Work-Family Interface: An Action-Regulation Approach
Carlson, D. S., Hackney, K. J., Thompson, M. J., Thurgood, G. (in press). Human Relations.
5 Ways Leaders Can Support Adoptive Parents: How Employers Do — or Don’t — Step Up Can Have a Major Impact on Employees and Their Families
Hackney, K. J., Quade, M., Carlson, D., Hanlon, R.P. (2023). Harvard Business Review.
Welcome to parenthood!? An examination of the far-reaching effects of perceived adoption stigma in the workplace
Hackney, K. J., Quade, M., Carlson, D. S., Hanlon, R., Thurgood, G. (2023). Human Relations.
Partner psychological abuse: Can you leave home at work?
Thompson, M. J., Hackney, K. J., Crawford, W., Bonner, J., & Carlson, D. S. (2023). Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology.
5 Ways Managers Can Support Pregnant Employees
Hackney, K. J., Daniels, S. R., Paustian-Underdahl, S., Jones, K. P., Brady, J. M., Cortina, L. M., Li, Y. (2022). Harvard Business Review.
Vicarious abusive supervision and turnover in expectant working mothers: Does financial dependency trigger emotional disconnect?
Thompson, M. J., Carlson, D. S., Hackney, K. J., & Vogel, R. M. (in press). Journal of Organizational Behavior.
It takes a village: How organizational support for adoption positively affects employees and their families
Quade, M. J., Hackney, K. J., Carlson, D., & Hanlon, R. P. (in press). Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology.
With a little help from my (her) friends: The role of friend support on the negative effects of work engagement for married couples
Carlson, D. S., Thompson, M., Hackney, K. J., Crawford, W. (in press). Journal of Vocational Behavior.
Examining the Effects of Perceived Pregnancy Discrimination on Mother and Baby Health
Hackney, K. J., Daniels, S. R., Paustian-Underdahl, S. Perrewé, P. L., Mandeville, A., & Eaton, A. (in press). Journal of Applied Psychology.
A Review of Abusive Behaviors at Work: The Development of a Process Model for Studying Abuse
Hackney, K. J. & Perrewé, P. L. (2018). Organizational Psychology Review, 8(1), 70-92.
Performance, Stress, and Attitudinal Outcomes of Perceptions of Others’ Entitlement Behavior: Supervisor–Subordinate Work Relationship Quality as Moderator in Two Samples
Hackney, K. J. Maher, L., Daniels, S., Hochwarter, W., & Ferris, J. (2018). Group and Organization Management, 43(1), 101-137.
Hispanic and Asian Performance on Selection Procedures: A Narrative and Meta-Analytic Review of 12 Common Predictors
Roth, P. L., Van Iddekinge, C. H., DeOrtentiis, P. S., Hackney, K. J., Zhang, L., & Buster, M. A. (2017). Journal of Applied Psychology, 102(8), 1178-1202.
From Combat to Khakis: An Exploratory Examination of Job Stress with Veterans
McAllister, C. P., Mackey, J. D., Hackney, K. J., & Perrewé, P. L (2015). Military Psychology, 27(2), 93-107.
Invisible Grief: An Examination of Miscarriage in the Workplace
Hackney, K. J., Wu, C., & Nuner, J. (in press). In A. M. Rossi, J. Meurs, & P. Perrewé (Eds.), Stress and Quality of Working Life: Finding Meaning in Grief and Suffering, pp. 27-46. Information Age Publishing.
Pregnancy in the Workplace: The Role of Stigmas, Discrimination, and Identity Management
Perrewé, P. L., Daniels, S. R., Hackney, K. J., & Maher, L. P. (2019). In C. Cooper, A. Antoniou, & C. Gatrell (Eds.), Women, Business, and Leadership: Gender and Organisations. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Examining the Role of Pregnancy in Work Organizations: Implications for the Well-Being of the Mother and Baby
Hackney, K. J. & Perrewé, P. L. (2018). In M. Buckley, J. Halbesleben, & A. R. Wheeler (Eds.), Research in Personnel and Human Resources
Management, Vol. 36. Emerald Group Publishing.
From Soldier to Citizen: Examining the Role of Political Skill in Veterans’ Experiences in the Civilian Workplace
Hackney, K. J., McAllister, C. P., Mackey, J. D., Palmer, J. C., & Perrewé, P. L. (2016). In A.-S. Antoniou & Sir C. Cooper (Eds.), Coping, personality and the workplace: Responding to psychological crisis and critical events. Gower Publishing.

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