How to Look Professional & Polished at Work
“In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different. ”
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Today I want to talk about simple ways you can look more professional and polished at work. I came up with this topic because I was thinking back to things I struggled with when first starting my career. I remember asking my mom and mentors what the difference was between business casual and business professional dress was. I’ve tried on multiple outfits trying to find the perfect one for and interview. I’ve even spent hours watching YouTube videos and listening to podcasts that break down classy, polished, and elegant style. So today, I wanted to share the things I’ve learned with you.
I’m a firm believer in the power of style. The way you dress can have a big impact on the way you show up in the world; the way you tackle each of the different roles you play. Whether that be employee, mother, wife, or friend; what we wear is going to impact how we behave. In fact, there is research that supports this notion. I’ve done an entire podcast episode on it. You can check it out here. And whether you like it or not, the way you show up is also going to affect how others perceive you and treat you.
So, assuming that you want to show up as the best possible version of yourself in each of those roles, you have to take your style into consideration. Now, even though I believe that style is important, I’m also a huge fan of elegance – things being beautiful in their simplicity and effectiveness. So today, I wanted to share some simple, yet effective, tips on looking more professional and polished at work.
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1. Start with the basics
Having a polished, put-together look really starts with basic personal hygiene; things like showering, brushing your teeth, and wearing deodorant. This is great news, because its so simple and you’re probably already doing it, so cross that one off your list!
2. Take care of your hair, skin, and nails
My next tip is to take care of your hair, skin, and nails. When I envision a polished woman, I think about women like Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, or, more recently, Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales. These women always look put together and polished. A few things that they have in common is well-maintained hair, skin, and nails.
So, let’s start with hair. If you want to appear polished at work (or really anywhere you go) you’ll want to maintain healthy, clean, and neat hair. Some ways I strive to maintain my hair’s health are regular trips to the hairdresser for trims and taking vitamins that contain biotin and collagen (these vitamins are great for your skin too). In terms of keeping my hair clean, I use Arbonne’s sulfate free shampoo, conditioner, and leave-in treatment. You don’t want to use anything too harsh or it will strip the oils from your hair, leaving it dry and brittle. Keeping your hair clean does not mean that you have to wash it everyday. In fact, I only wash mine 1-2 times a week. However, you want to make sure that you’re not letting it get too greasy. A quick and easy way to solve this is to use dry shampoo (which is also great for some volume and texture). Another way to ensure that your hair at least appears to be clean, is to come up with a few hairstyles that are better suited for day 3 or 4 hair. Things like sleek ponytails, buns, or braids. I’ve found that headbands can be your best friend on those days too! Finally, you’ll want to keep your hair neat. Now, for all my curly girls out there please hear me out. When I say “neat” I do not mean that it needs to be silky straight (my wavy hair won’t even do that). I simply mean that regardless of what hair type you have, you need to style it appropriately and not just default to a messy bun or bedhead.
Next up – skin. Another simple way to be more polished is to take exquisite care of your skin. This has become more and more important for me as I get older. Even as a teenager my mom told me to wash my face before bed, but it wasn’t until my late 20s that I actually started listening to her. Skincare routines can be as simple or as complicated as you want. I’ve had routines vary from two to nine steps. At the most basic level, you’ll want to at least cleanse and moisturize. I personally use Arbonne’s DermResults line (and love it) but I’ve also enjoyed Neutrogena’s skincare products. Clean and moisturized skin will be the perfect canvas for a simple makeup routine. When it comes to makeup, I like to keep things super simple. I enjoy makeup, but would rather spend my precious time and energy on other things. Thus, I’ve settled on a signature look that I use every single day. It’s nothing elaborate or difficult, but it lets me show up in my roles as my most beautiful and confident self (which in turn impacts my confidence and productivity). If you’re striving for a polished look (which I assume you are if you’re listening to this) some things to consider about makeup are: 1) make sure your foundation is the right color for your skin tone and 2) don’t go crazy with bold colors or glitter.
Finally, I’ve always considered well-manicured nails the icing on the cake when it comes to appearing polished and put together. It’s a subtle signal that you care enough about yourself to take the time to engage in self-care. You can DIY your nails or go to the salon and get them done – either one is completely fine. I’ve done both! I’m currently loving the Kiss Impress Press-On nails because they’re super affordable and I can do them myself in 10 minutes or less. Some things to keep in mind when it comes to nails are: 1) Avoid super long nails, neon colors, or glittery accents. We’re aiming for classy and polished and those just aren’t it. 2) If your nail polish gets chipped or a nail gets broken, fix it!
3. Choose high-quality pieces
Okay, we’ve covered some beauty basics, now let’s talk about clothing. When it comes to clothes, the simplest way to appear polished is to choose high-quality pieces. When I say “high-quality” I’m not simply referring to how much they cost. The first consideration of quality is how well they fit you. When your wardrobe is made up of clothing that fits you like a glove, it’s much easier to put together polished, elegant looks each morning. Don’t let yourself get caught up in the number on the tag – it’s meaningless. Buy the one that fits your well. If you’re between sizes, consider buying big and then taking it to a tailor.
The second consideration of quality is how well the clothing is made. Some indicators of quality to keep an eye out for are stitching (you want strong, consistent stitching throughout the garment), buttons (they should be well-fastened), and the zipper (YKK zippers are some of the best quality). The type of fabric an item is made from can also be an indicator of quality. Fabrics like silk, cashmere, wool, linen, cotton, and leather are going to appear more luxurious (and polished) than cheaper alternatives. They’re also going to feel better when you wear them. A good rule of thumb is to look for fabrics made from natural fibers. High quality clothing does not have to be expensive. My favorite place to find quality pieces is the local consignment shop. I’ve done an entire podcast episode on how to make the most of your trip to the thrift store. You can check it out here.
Finally, you will appear more polished if you maintain the quality of your clothes by ensuring that they are properly cleaned and cared for. There is nothing classy about a wrinkled shirt or stained sweater.
4. Dress for the occasion
It’s imperative that you understand the dress code in your workplace. Every work environment is going to be different, so take some time to understand your workplace. Is there a formal dress code? Read it! Also, be a student of what people around you are wearing. I love the quote “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.” In my opinion, you can never be overdressed, and it might surprise you how dressing up impacts the way you show up and how others treat you in the workplace. However, the main thing is that you aren’t consistently underdressed.
There are typically two levels of dress in the workplace: business professional and business casual. Business professional is the more formal of the two and involves classic business attire such as a suit jacket, pencil skirt, and heels. Business casual, on the other hand, is less formal but still involves dressing nicely (e.g., slacks, blouse, flats). An important thing to note is that even though “casual” is in the name, this does not mean that you can wear jeans, t-shirts, or tennis shoes.
5. Pay attention to the details
When aiming for a polished, put-together, professional look, accessories like jewelry, watches, handbags, belts, and shoes can make or break an outfit. Personally, I like to keep things simple. Choose silver or gold and then stick to that throughout the entire outfit. For example, I love gold and so I wear gold studs, a gold watch, a gold belt buckle, and have gold detailing on my handbag. None of these things need to be expensive. Instead of looking at the cost focus more on finding classic styles. Also, don’t go overboard with the accessories. Coco Chanel once said, “Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take at least one thing off.”
6. Confidence is key
The final ingredient to looking more polished and professional at work is confidence. When you feel confident and love the way you look, you will be more likely to carry yourself in a way that exudes professionalism and poise. Not feeling too confident? Well, first I hope that the tips above will help you design a polished style that gives you the boost you need. Some other ways to appear more confident are to maintain good posture, speak kindly and encouragingly to yourself, and to smile more!
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Today, I am thrilled to share the highlights from an insightful conversation with my friend and certified integrative nutrition and holistic health coach, Jordan Clapp. In this episode, we dive into the essential role that nutrition and health play in achieving a balanced and flourishing life. I highly recommend tuning into the entire conversation, but I’ve summarized the highlights below.