Reclaiming Elegance: A Life Update
“The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.”
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I can’t believe it, but it’s been over 9 months since I’ve posted on the Elegant Balance podcast or blog. I had to take some time off over the past year. I’ve mentioned this before, but I want to live a life of integrity and one way I strive to do that is to practice what I preach. So, if I’m going to teach you how to create a work-life balance you love by focusing on the things that matter most to you; by identifying and unapologetically pursuing your priorities, I have to do that myself!
So, I thought an appropriate way to jump back into the podcast and blog was simply by sharing a few life updates and reconnect with you.
1. Career Milestone – Tenure
First, I hit a major career milestone this past year – I received tenure at my university! If you’re not familiar with the academic profession, tenure is a promotion for a professor which provides a great deal of job security. Since I was on the “tenure track” at my university, I would’ve had to leave my current university if I did not receive tenure this year. But, praise God, I did receive it!
The tenure application process is quite extensive, so that is where a lot of my time and energy were focused this past year. I basically had to summarize my entire career in a loooooong letter and submit it (along with all sorts of evidence (e.g., teaching evaluations, research publications, etc.) and then wait months while my department, dean, university committee, provost, and president decide my fate. Despite having a deep sense of peace that God would put us exactly where He wants us to be, it was still a nerve-wrecking process, which required some rest afterwards and I’m thrilled to be on this side of it.
This has been my career goal for a very long time, so now that I’ve met it, I’ve had a lot of fun dreaming about what might be my next big goal. Maybe writing a book? I’m not sure yet, but I’m excited!
2. Lifetime Dream – Study Abroad Trip
Another major life event was our family’s 6-week trip to Sydney, Australia where I was the faculty director of a study abroad trip. And when I say this was a dream come true, I’m not exaggerating! Ever since I watched my French professors lead study abroad trips during my undergraduate studies, and even studying abroad in France and Canada myself, I have wanted to lead a study abroad trip. And with tenure came the opportunity to do just that!
Organizing, recruiting, planning, and traveling for this trip took up a lot of time and energy but it was so worth it! My family and I spent our six weeks visiting every tourist attraction possible in Sydney. It was winter there, so the weather was a beautiful change from the Texas summer heat. It’s hard to choose my favorite part about our trip, but I think it’s probably our visit to the Sydney Opera House (my husband and I love architecture) or jumping into the Bondi Icebergs on our last day before heading home. It was freezing cold and I couldn’t decide if I was getting used to the water or simply getting numb, but it’s been a core memory for the kids (and me).
3. New Leadership Role – Women in Leadership Initiative
Back in May, I stepped into a new leadership role at my university leading the Women in Leadership Initiative in the school of business. I’m truly excited about this opportunity and what God has planned for it. My university is a distinctly Christian university, so the goal of this initiative is to equip women to fully live out the calling God has placed on their lives (at work, at home, and in the community) and help them to thoughtfully steward their God-given gifts to glorify Him.
Of course, I feel completely inadequate to lead such a charge, but I’ve been blessed to be a part of the Women Work and Calling Ministry Leaders Intensive this summer and fall which has equipped me with some tools to step into this role and connected me with so many amazing professional Christian women passionate about the same mission. It’s been amazing!
4. Launched Elegant Balance Academy
Finally, I launched Elegant Balance Academy, my signature, systematic, research-based, self-paced online course that helps women to create a work-life balance they love. This was a dream in the making for 4 years!!! So, to say I was excited to get it into the hands of some women who can benefit from it is an understatement. This year, I welcomed six women into the Elegant Balance Academy. Again, it took quite a bit of effort to get this thing off the ground, so I stepped back from the podcast, blog, and social media, to focus on EBA and launching it. I’m excited to share that the doors to the Elegant Balance Academy will be opening soon, so if you’ve been wanting to join but it didn’t feel like the right time – stay tuned! I have some fun and exciting things in the works!
Well, that covers the big events have happened over the past 9 months. As you can see, it’s been busy but also filled with blessings. I’m excited to jump back into podcasting and blogging and to reconnect with you. Have a beautiful, joy-filled week, friend!
Today, I am thrilled to share the highlights from an insightful conversation with my friend and certified integrative nutrition and holistic health coach, Jordan Clapp. In this episode, we dive into the essential role that nutrition and health play in achieving a balanced and flourishing life. I highly recommend tuning into the entire conversation, but I’ve summarized the highlights below.