Intentional Living, New Year's, Goal Setting Kaylee Hackney Intentional Living, New Year's, Goal Setting Kaylee Hackney

How to Flourish in 2025: My Word of the Year

To flourish means to “grow or develop in a healthy and vigorous way; to suddenly perform or develop in an impressively successful way.”

Like I mentioned earlier, I have several goals for this year and while the main focus is my health, I also have family, career, and spiritual goals. I love how the definition for the word “flourish” taps into each of these areas. It’s not limited to my physical health. Hence, the power of choosing a single word.

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Intentional Living, Celebrate, Social Support Kaylee Hackney Intentional Living, Celebrate, Social Support Kaylee Hackney

The Art of the Dinner Party

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and for many of us, that means we’re gearing up to host Thanksgiving dinner. Given that, I thought it’d be a perfect time to share my step-by-step approach to hosting incredible dinner parties. I hope that this is a helpful guide that you can come back to time and time again, whether it’s the holiday season or just a random gathering of friends.

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Intentional Living, Work-life balance Kaylee Hackney Intentional Living, Work-life balance Kaylee Hackney

Reclaiming Elegance: A Life Update

It's been almost 9 months since my last post and I figured it was time for a life update! I've been practicing what I preach and ruthlessly eliminating anything in my life that did not help me take care of what is most important to me. Over the past 9 months, that has meant that the Elegant Balance podcast and blog had to take a break. But... I'm back!

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An Insider’s View: Exploring the Elegant Balance Academy with Dr. Stephanie Kunst

In this episode, I’m visiting with my friend, Dr. Stephanie Kunst. She is sharing her experiences as an Elegant Balance Academy student with you! We discuss the challenges she faced and the way the Elegant Balance Academy helped her create a work-life balance she loves - leaving her feeling more present and patient than ever before!

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Holiday, Intentional Living Kaylee Hackney Holiday, Intentional Living Kaylee Hackney

An Intentional Holiday

Around the holidays we are bombarded with demands on our schedules – your own holiday work parties, invitations from friends and family, and then your kids’ Christmas class parties and concerts. All of this on top of shopping for gifts, planning menus, cleaning your home, attending church, and trying to squeeze in as many family traditions as possible. A time that should be filled with joy quickly becomes overwhelming.

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Intentional Living, Work-life balance, Career Kaylee Hackney Intentional Living, Work-life balance, Career Kaylee Hackney

Spring Cleaning Your Daily Routines

If spring cleaning my home makes me feel this good, what else could I “spring clean?” Where in my life could I use a fresh start? Some decluttering? Some renewal? I decided to look at my daily routines. Seeing as they are daily, they literally impact my life each and every day. And if you’re like me, you may have fallen into some not-so-great habits with regards to your routines.

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Intentional Living, Work-life balance, Career Kaylee Hackney Intentional Living, Work-life balance, Career Kaylee Hackney

Designing Your Dream Job: The Art of Job Crafting

Think about your favorite dress – the one that fits you like a glove, hugging you in all the right places, and makes you feel confident and powerful, ready to conquer world. Now, imagine having that same feeling, but with your job. What if your job could be tailor-made for you? What if it was designed to align with your strengths, interests, and values? That's what job crafting is all about.

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Intentional Living, Work-life balance, Seasons Kaylee Hackney Intentional Living, Work-life balance, Seasons Kaylee Hackney

The Cozy Art of Hygge: How to Incorporate Danish Secrets to Happy Living in Your Everyday Life

Not only had I not read the book, but I had also never even heard of hygge. I’m sure my expression was one of complete confusion as I turned to her and said “What in the world is hygge?!” Being the researcher that I am, I immediately checked out every hygge book I could find at the library. I loved the concept so much that I slowly started incorporating more and more hygge into my family’s everyday lives. It didn’t take long before my kids started requesting hygge (sitting by the fire each evening with dimmed lights, soft music, and board games) and it has now become a Hackney family evening routine.

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20 Ideas to add Luxury to Your Daily Life

We want to put work back in its place. Yes, your work can be enjoyable and meaningful but it’s not the only part of your life. You’re so much more multi-faceted than that! By adding luxury to our daily lives, we can elevate our experiences in each of the roles we play. Making life more fun!

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Intentional Living Kaylee Hackney Intentional Living Kaylee Hackney

12 Simple Ways to Embrace Spring

I’ll be the first to admit that I am a fair-weather girl, so each spring I find myself doing everything I can possibly do to embrace the mildness and gentleness of spring. Honestly, we can learn a lot about elegant living through this concept. Embrace the season you’re in right here and right now. Don’t resist it. Instead, look for the beauty and the joy in it.

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