Spring Cleaning Your Daily Routines
“Spring is a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can truly be.”
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Spring is finally here! I love spring – the warm weather, the picnics, and the way everything is just bursting with potential. It’s a time of refreshment; a time of renewal. It’s also the perfect time to do some cleaning!
My husband and I have had a spring-cleaning routine for the past several years. (To be honest, it’s probably the only time that our baseboards get wiped down.) We go through the house, cleaning everything from top to bottom. We even go through our closets and the kids’ closets, donating any clothing that they kids have worn out or outgrown. And while I don’t necessarily love cleaning, I do love the feeling I have after we’re done. The feeling that everything has been reset and we have a fresh start on things.
Which got me thinking….
If spring cleaning my home makes me feel this good, what else could I “spring clean?”
Where in my life could I use a fresh start? Some decluttering? Some renewal?
I decided to look at my daily routines. Seeing as they are daily, they literally impact my life each and every day. And if you’re like me, you may have fallen into some not-so-great habits with regards to your routines. So, let’s grab our dust cloths and brooms and get rid of some of that dirt and grime!
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Our daily routines have a big impact on our life – they can affect our productivity, our energy, and our sense of well-being. By simplifying our routines and making intentional choices, we can create a more balanced, beautiful, and joyful life.
So how do we clean up our routines? Well, we need to take some time to reflect on them.
Some questions we can ask ourselves are:
· What is the purpose of this routine?
· Does it move me closer to my personal goals?
· Am I able to stick to the routine consistently?
· How do I feel before, during, and after the routine? Does it help me feel more energized, productive, or focused?
· How does the routine impact other areas of my life, such as my relationships, hobbies, or mental and physical health?
· Am I finding the routine enjoyable or does it feel like a chore?
· Do I need to make any adjustments to the routine to make it more effective or sustainable for me?
· Would I recommend this routine to my best friend?
After you reflect on these questions with regards to your daily routines, you can start to adjust them from there.
Most of us have three main routines in our day – our morning routine, our work routine, and our evening routine. I wanted to share a bit about how I create each of those routines to give you some ideas of how you could elevate your own!
1. Morning Routine
Mornings can be hectic, especially if you have a busy work schedule or family to take care of. In my case, I have two kids who can’t get out of bed no matter how many hours of sleep they go the night before (as a morning person, I just don’t get it). My mornings typically consist of waking up around 5:15am. I know it’s not for everyone, but I love to have an hour to myself before the day starts. I use this time to read scripture, pray, and even get a bit a work done (e.g., emails, Instagram posts, etc.).
After that, I wake up the kids. My kids both wear relatively the same thing to school each day, but if you need to simplify things, you could try setting their clothes (and even your own) out the night before. While they’re getting dressed, I get ready. I brush my teeth, go through my skincare routine, do my hair and makeup, and then get dressed.
Once everyone is dressed, we typically enjoy breakfast together. In order to keep things running smoothly in the morning, we tend to eat the same things for breakfast each day. We might change it up week to week, but I’m not making food to order each morning. Instead, I ask them what they’d like to have on hand for breakfast before I order groceries for the week. My favorites are “grab and go” items like yogurts, fruits, and granola bars. These are items that my 4- and 8-year-old can serve themselves if they need to.
Starting your morning off on the right foot – whether it looks like mine or not – is so important because it will significantly impact how you move throughout the rest of your day. My days are so much better when I can start the day feeling calm and organized.
2. Work Routine
Having a solid work routine can help with your productivity and stress. My work is very flexible, so I’ve had to create my own routines and structure throughout my days. I’ve established my working hours from 8am to 3pm, which is when my kids are in school. Within those working hours, I am very mindful of how I spend my time. I’m not perfect about it, but I am intentionally pursuing continuous improvement! I start the workday by reviewing the tasks and meetings that I have for the day.
Next, I jump into the hardest task first. It’s vital to know when your peak productivity time is. I’m a morning person, so I like to tackle those creative, cognitively draining tasks early in the day. After I’ve crossed that one off the list, I move on to the less demanding tasks.
I try to take short breaks throughout the day where I get up and walk. I rarely work through lunch and almost always allow myself a 15-minute power nap in the afternoon. At the end of each day, I plan for what needs to be accomplished during the next day. This way I can jump right into it when I arrive at work.
Creating effective work routines involves setting boundaries around work, taking advantage of your peak productivity time, and taking breaks. When we are intentional with our work routines, we can increase our productivity while also protecting ourselves from stress and burnout.
3. Evening Routine
Evening routines might be my favorite (at least after we get the kids to bed… bedtime can be chaotic). It’s the time that I use to have deeper conversations with my spouse and indulge in candlelit bubble baths. Each evening we will chat, I will bathe, and then we crawl in bed to read a few chapters of a fiction book before drifting off to sleep. I do not drag out the evening. I value my sleep too much to waste my energy binging Netflix. Evenings are a time to unwind and relax after a long day. Watching an action-packed or drama-filled show just doesn’t do it for me. By creating a relaxing evening routine, we can help our bodies and minds prepare for a restful night's sleep which will leave us full of energy to show-up as the best version of ourselves tomorrow.
Routines are not a one-size-fits-all, but I hope that these reflection questions and insights into my own routines will help you consider how you might clean up your own morning, work, and evening routines. By following these simple strategies for spring cleaning your routines, you can create a more balanced and intentional life that promotes productivity, self-care, and well-being.
Is a better work-life balance one of your goals this year?
I’ve created a workbook just for you!
If you’re interested in creating a work-life balance characterized by simplicity, joy, and beauty, why don’t you start by checking out my Elegant Balance Workbook? In it, I help you define what work-life balance looks like for you and share some tips on creating that balance. I’ve said it before, and I’ll keep saying it – Balance doesn’t happen by accident.
Today, I am thrilled to share the highlights from an insightful conversation with my friend and certified integrative nutrition and holistic health coach, Jordan Clapp. In this episode, we dive into the essential role that nutrition and health play in achieving a balanced and flourishing life. I highly recommend tuning into the entire conversation, but I’ve summarized the highlights below.