How I Packed for a Month-Long Trip in a Carry-On
“He who would travel happily must travel light.”
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I am currently on a month-long trip with my husband and children visiting family. We take this trip every year and honestly it gets a little bit easier each year. Not only are my children getting older (which means the 15-hour car rides are easier) but I’m also getting better and better at packing light. In fact, I was able to fit everything I needed for an entire month in one carry-on suitcase. Today, I want to share my strategy with you!
Now, some of you probably enjoy packing and maybe even have your own strategy down to a science. Others of you might be a bit more, how should I say it…, spontaneous with your packing. Either way, you’ve probably found yourself taking a trip with a suitcase that barely closes only to find that you 1) only use about half of what you packed or worse 2) finding out that you still have nothing to wear. I have been in both camps. I remember in college I studied abroad in France. Knowing that Paris is the fashion capitol of the world, naturally I wanted to be sure I had plenty of cute things to wear. So, I basically packed my entire wardrobe in a giant, hot pink suitcase and matching Vera Bradley pink weekend bag. Let’s just say, I stuck out like a sore thumb. I remember dragging my suitcase around Paris as it bumped along the cobblestone paths; down into the metro station then lugged it back up what felt like a million sets of stairs. It was hot and miserable, and I swore I would never do that again. I’ve been trying to pack lighter ever since.
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In reflecting on my packing strategy, I came up with 5 tips to share with you today.
1. Have a list
When you’re packing, especially for an extended trip, take time to sit down and write out a list of the things you want to take before you even open your suitcase. By doing this, you ensure that you don’t go throwing random, unnecessary items into your bag. Instead, every item that you pack has been intentionally thought through and deemed important enough to take. Investing just 15 minutes up front can have a big pay-off. Not only will you be more streamlined in what makes it into your suitcase, but packing will go quicker, and you’ll be less likely to forget something. One thing I like to do is to create a list on my “Notes” app on my phone with checkboxes as the bullet-points. Then I can access this list every time I take a trip. All I have to do is clear the checks and start over! To help you get your list started, I have created a free, downloadable packing list. In it you can see exactly what I packed for my trip this summer. It’s linked in the show notes, or you can access it at
2. Pack for a Week
Even though I’m traveling for a month, I didn’t actually pack a different outfit for each day of the month. I’m not sure I even wear a new outfit each day of the month when I’m at home, let alone when I’m living out of a suitcase. Instead, I made my list and packed my clothes based on what I would use in a week. This means that I packed 7 pairs of underwear and enough clothes to put together around 7 outfits. Depending on where you’re travelling to, there will usually be access to a laundry facility of some sort. In my case, we’re staying with my in-laws or parents, so I just use their washer and dryer. This cuts down significantly on the amount of stuff you need to pack and, if you’re anything like me, is easier to wrap my head around. It’s much easier for me to think about what I might need in a week than to think about what I might need for a month.
3. Mix & Match Mindset
When choosing my clothes for any trip, I always approach it with a “mix & match mindset.” By this I mean choosing pieces that play well together. When you pack for a trip, you’re essentially creating a mini capsule wardrobe. Each of the tops you pack should go with each of the bottoms that you pack. The shoes you pack should go with multiple outfits. Any outer wear you bring, such as a blazer or cardigan, should be able to go with multiple tops and dresses. Same thing goes for accessories. The scarf I packed matches most of my tops, dresses, and my purse. I only packed one gold pair of earrings that can go with any of my outfits. The easiest way to approach this is to choose a color palette. For example, my clothes for this trip are mostly pink, navy, black, and white. When things mix and match like this, you end up with so many more outfits. In fact, I think it’s rather fun to see how many combinations I can come up with during the trip. It becomes an exercise in pushing me outside of my fashion comfort zone!
4. Bare Essentials
Another key part to packing light is focusing on the essentials. Packing things “just in case” is a quick way to overpack. Most of you are probably not travelling to destinations where you will not have access to a store if you find you absolutely need something. Instead of packing things “just in case”, pack just the things you absolutely need. Could I get invited to a fancy party and need a cocktail dress and sparkly heels? It’s possible, but probably not. Could the temperatures drop, and I get cold enough I want a coat? Also, possible but not likely in July. The same can be said for your toiletries. You don’t need to pack every single thing that you use each day. Instead, think about the key products that you need and then only pack those. For me it’s toothbrush and toothpaste, moisturizer, and my all-in-one makeup compact. Keep it simple!
5. Focus on Your Favorites
Finally, when pulling together your travel wardrobe, be sure to focus on your favorites. If you pack several pieces that you absolutely love and feel fabulous in, you won’t mind re-wearing things over and over again. In fact, if they’re your favorites, you probably already do that anyway! Think of a few key pieces in your closet that are your favorite – maybe a few favorite tops and a dress – and then build your wardrobe around them. Use that color palette and pack other items that complement them. Think about the shoes that would go with your favorite pieces and then pack other outfits that could go with the same shoes. The goal is to create a mini-capsule wardrobe that you love and that allows you to fully enjoy your trip!
Of course, these ideas can be applied to any length of trip – it doesn’t have to be a month-long adventure. I hope this will be helpful for you as you prepare for your next big trip. Make sure to head over to to grab your FREE packing list today!
Have a beautiful, joy-filled week friends!
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Today, I am thrilled to share the highlights from an insightful conversation with my friend and certified integrative nutrition and holistic health coach, Jordan Clapp. In this episode, we dive into the essential role that nutrition and health play in achieving a balanced and flourishing life. I highly recommend tuning into the entire conversation, but I’ve summarized the highlights below.