Dressing the Part
What I want you to see today is that instead of saving “dressing up” for a special occasion or event, we should harness the power of clothes to help us more forward towards becoming the women we want to be and living the life we want to live.
How to Manage Your Time
Time. We all have the same amount of it – 168 hours each week to be exact – and yet so often we feel like we don’t have enough. So, let’s talk about how you can manage your time well. And by manage your time, I mean learning to spend it on the right things.
Myths about Work-Life Balance
Work-life balance is a buzzword that gets thrown around and often in a negative way. In today’s episode, I want to bust 4 myths about work-life balance and then discuss what work-life balance actually is.
How to add Romance to Your Life
It doesn’t take much to add a little bit of excitement, a little bit of adventure, of beauty, of romance to your day. I think by doing that you’re going to enhance your experiences in your life.
How to Set & Achieve Your Goals this Year
Goals (at least good ones) have some very specific qualities to them and if done right, goal setting can be a great way to make extraordinary changes in your life.
Setting Intentions for 2022
I’ve also had my fair share of failed New Year’s resolutions. So, today I wanted to share a practice that has been around for a while, but that is relatively new to me; one that I found to be much more achievable and even more impactful than choosing a single goal for the New Year. That practice is choosing a word – just one word – to focus on throughout the year.
Q&A with Kaylee
You asked, I answered! In this episode, I chat about work-life balance, simplified living, and even share some things about myself.
How to Use (and Enjoy) Your Vacation Days without the Stress
It’s hard to truly and fully step away from work. And yet, stepping away from work to spend time on the things that truly matter to us is vital. I want each and every one of you to lead lives filled with joy and that’s hard to do when you’re working 24/7.
Secrets to a Simple Holiday
It’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, only to find ourselves overwhelmed and exhausted by Christmas day. So, today I wanted to share a few secrets to enjoying a simpler holiday this year.
Beauty & Style, Simpified
Simplified beauty and style avoid this unnecessary frustration and wasted time. Instead, the idea is that you streamline your closet, hair, skincare, and makeup routines so that you can confidently get ready each morning in a way that sets you up for success the rest of the day.
Practicing Gratitude (RE-POST)
Thanksgiving is just around the corner, but intentional gratitude is something we should practice throughout the year.
How to Simplify Your Schedule
I’ve said it before, but I’m going to say it again and again, work-life balance doesn’t happen by accident. It takes intentional action on our part. Often the clutter of our schedules is what causes us to feel overwhelmed by the pressure to do it all.
Simple Living at Home
A great deal of life happens at home. Yet, when you look around, is your home allowing you to live the simple, elegant life you dream of?
Simple Living: Less is More
Embracing simplicity in your life is all about living with less, so we can enjoy life more. And when I say less, I don’t just mean less stuff. I’m talking about simplifying every area of your life – your home, your calendar, your style, your beauty routines, your finances, your work… all of it!
How to Elevate Remote Work
Remote work is here to stay and in this post, I share 7 ways to elevate your work-from home experience.
Create an Elegant Workday
Elegance refers to the beauty of something unusually simple and effective. How would you like that to describe your workday, every day? If you think about it, an elegantly balanced life is simply made up a several elegant days. In today’s post, I want to share three simple adjustments that you can make to do just that!
Embracing the Season
Life is made up of seasons and each season has a beauty of its own. And that’s the idea that I want to explore today – embracing each season. I’m convinced that embracing each season, whether it be the natural season (e.g., fall) or the season of motherhood; career; relationship status that you’re in, can greatly enhance the joy that we are able to squeeze out of this beautiful life that we’ve been given.
How to Practice Guilt-Free Self-Care
You can hardly get on social media without encountering a few posts about the importance of self-care. While we may see those posts, maybe even like them and nod in agreement, most of us don’t actually make self-care a routine in our daily lives.
Why not? Because we feel guilty about it.
Letting Go of Perfectionism
The desire to achieve excellence in things that we pursue, such as motherhood, our careers, and our hobbies, is a beautiful thing that has resulted in some amazing accomplishments throughout history. Yet sometimes this pursuit can be all-encompassing and some of us hold ourselves to ridiculously high standards that we could never meet. And when we fail to meet them? We criticize ourselves for falling short of those standards. Can you guess who these people are? We are the perfectionists.